Across The Curve 2024




Across The Curve 2024
12,6cm x 18cm x 1,2cm
Digital C-prints, UV print on seven sheets of basswood, nails, Installation view

In the 21st century, contemporaries inevitably experience a place other than home due to frequent mobility and the resulting fluidity of life. Conversely, contemporary global cultures seem ever more transient, moving back and forth, becoming more distant and sometimes absent, replaced by the new technological connectivity. This condition suggests that moving through the world in a cosmopolitan context requires negotiating the experience of place – its physicality and actuality.
The critical questions are: what is the relationship between place and (cultural) identity, what effect does this have on our experience and connection to place, and how does this state of mind emanate? In this exhibition, two artists meditate on the relevance of a location consisting of history and culture in a broader narrative and explore a new form of belonging specific to the contemporary age, shaped by spatial and temporal transience. [...]